Safe Harbor Realty
Safe Harbor Realty~ Karen Martin, Nicole Martin Wood

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Happy Spring Things to Do Around Westport, MA Home Tips and more 

The National Weather Station forecasts above-normal temperatures throughout the South, Southeast and East Coast regions this spring, Spring starts Thursday, March 20, and with it comes the promise of new beginnings and a farewell to the harshness of winter.

Rabies Alert in Westport, MA vicinity Sanford Rd. 
Dog Licensing FYI 

Dog licenses are due each year by April 1st.

Licenses are available in person at the town hall or online at:
Residents are only permitted 3 dogs without an approved application and a Special Permit issue by the zoning Board 

- - - Don't miss these Spectacular Space Events~ 

  March 23: Saturn’s Ring Plan
e Crossing Saturn's rings will disappear from view for a short time as we observe them edge-on from Earth!
  March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse The Moon will cover up to 93% of the Sun at its peak! 
This eclipse will last nearly 4 hours, starting at 4:51 AM EDT, & will be visible from parts of the Americas, Europe & Africa.
  April 22: Lyrid Meteor Shower A dazzling meteor shower producing 10-15 meteors per hour! Since the radiant rises before midnight, try spotting meteors before the fat crescent Moon rises after midnight. 
 April 25: Triple Conjunction – A Smiley Face in the Sky The waning crescent Moon will align with Venus and Saturn, forming an enchanting "smiley face" in the sky!

Eyes on Owls LIVE!   Sat. March 22. 400 Old County Rd.Westport Middle School 
Event by Westport Land Conservation Trust
Learn to hoot...and lots more in our 11th annual collaboration with Eyes on Owls!
2 showings, 10 am and 1 pm. Tickets through eventbrite or at the door.

Harlem Wizards at 400 Old County Rd, Westport, MA 

The World-Famous Harlem Wizards want to invite you and the whole family to join them for a night of tricks, hoops, and alley-oops!  DATE: 03-30-2025  The game begins at 03:00 PM and the doors will open at 02:00 PM.
Be sure to purchase your tickets in advance. Tickets -  

Westport High School Reunion  80's & 90's 
Sun March 29,  6-11 You know you grew up in Westport if....
White's of Westport  Ticket Info ~

Tiverton Animal Control and Salty Paws dog licensing and Rabies clinic March 29, 
The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sandy Woods Community Center at 43 Muse Way.
Dog licenses are due in April. To register for a dog license, fill out the form here, and have it filled out before the event. The registration fee is $10.

Winter Programs & Events   
 Check out these Events and sign up at...

CLEAN OUR WESTPORT -SAVE THE DATE & SIGN UP Join your Westport neighborhood volunteers for the Annual Team C.O.W. (Clean Our Westport) Litter clean up day.
 Saturday, April 12 from 9am to noontime. Free safety vests and free grabbers distributed to volunteers. All you have to do is sign up and show up! Please sign up at


If you know a veteran or active duty that may enjoy visiting the Farm Please pass this along to them.   First Friday of the month Next visit is this Friday APRIL 4 ,  10-12 Come spend time with the Horses and visit with the farm animals.
Silva Spirit Farm 1600 Eagleville Rd. Tiverton, RI  Thank you Carol Ann Silva and your Team for giving to your community.



FALL RIVER  Cardinal Medeiros Towers Farmers’ Market
  Cardinal Medeiros Towers 1197 Robeson St.  Fridays 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
NEW BEDFORD INDOOR WINTER FARMER'S MARKET Saturdays 10-2:00  1 Oneida St Buttonwood Park Warming House Nov.- May
Tiverton, RI Winter Farmers Market ~ Sundays: 10am - 1:30pm inside Tiverton Middle School, 10 Quintal Drive, Tiverton, RI  Visit our website at for events, details and weekly Sunday Market vendor lineup. 

  Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke
* Wednesday Oriental Pearl 576 State Rd. Westport MA  7-10
*THURS. NIGHTS: Thirsty Thursday Karaoke Social Club 904 Main Rd, Westport 8 PM
*Sunday night Karaoke  Oriental Pearl  7:00pm - 11:00 pm

 Thrift Store at Westport Congregational Church

NOW OPEN ON SATURDAYS  9am to 1pm.  
Donations on Wednesdays, from 10-12 500 Am. Legion Hwy. Rte 177  Good Selection of Quality Clothing and Home Goods

   Westport Food Pantry Westport Grange 931 Main Rd. or 774-930-8893   Drive thru- PIck up Location  931 Main Rd. Westport  
WESTPORT FOOD PANTRY Distributing Food and Fresh Produce to those in Need-   Every Monday 8:30- 10;30 
Accepting Food Drop off Donations (volunteers onsite) every
Tues/  Wed / Thur 9:00–11am
Produce Donation Drop Off: Mondays, 7:30 am  -Thank you Local Farmers 

PILATES  Every Saturday Pilates at Westport Grange 931 Main Rd.  9 am with Tanya call text 508-735-6299 or email

· SILVER AEROBICS  Every Tuesday and Friday 8- 9 AM with Kathryn Reed at Westport Grange Main Rd. Westport, 
  YOGA BY GRACE  ( she's wonderful ) at Sisters of Solace 700 American Legion Hwy, Westport  Gentle yoga, SUNDAY 9 am. AND Tuesday evenings @ 6pm  All levels/ all ages yoga, $15 cash or Venmo 
·       Westport Beaches: 
Cherry & Webb, East Beach & Knubble Beach Open Daily For more information How to get a parking pass /beach-committee . 
You upload a photo of your drivers license & registration Fee $50.
Over 65,  $25. If you need help, They will help you at the Westport Library. 
 For More info about Westport, MA our Beautiful Beaches, Walking Trails & Restaurants visit
 GOOSEBERRY ISLAND  FREE to park  Open dawn to dusk. Go to the end of Rte 88 take a right go over the Causeway * Swim * Fish * Boat Launch * Trails * Historic Monuments * Sweeping Water views * Birding MANY ARE MIGRATING * Wildlife *Beautiful Sunsets  If you are lucky you may see the Seals, I have seen them many times 
 Get a LIFETIME  Senior Parking Pass to Most MA State Parks Just $10. - What a Deal!!!
Senior Parking Passes now available online or mail.  Massachusetts residents aged 62 or older are eligible for a discounted LIFETIME parking pass.for $10.  This pass covers the cost of parking at most state parks.More info Here 
Pass covers Westport, MA and Horseneck Beach State Reservation Horseneck Beach 
Demarest Lloyd State Park in Dartmouth, MA and other State Parks 


 SEARCH ALL Homes and Land for Sale in MA & RI Here-

 Great job Nicole!

 Your beautiful professional photography resulted in a lot of interest and showings on this Condo in Westport.  And your negotiating skills resulted in the sellers getting a Phenomenal cash offer!


- - - Safe Harbor Realty offers many No Cost services to our Neighbors & Community
Contact us for Real Estate Advice,  We love  to help. 

·      Free Notary Services Just give us a call/ text or email  774-930-8181
·       Free Home Valuations visit
·    No Cost Home Buyer Consultations visit
·       FREE Events Around Westport, Mass Weekly Email Newsletter Subscribe Here - 

  -This Email newsletter goes out to over 1,000 Local Residents & many Local Social Media sites, Blogs & Websites  
-Call or text me @ 774-930-8181 or Email  If you have anything you would like me to add, A Yard Sale, Community Event etc..
We   love to help our Community & Neighbors. 

 Karen Ann Martin  Nicole Martin Wood~ Brokers Owners 

Professional Realtor Consultants Family owned and Operated and Trusted by the Westport and surrounding Communities since 2003. 
Safe Harbor Realty  1037 Main Rd. Suite C  Westport, MA   774-930-8181 (Near Perry's Bakery) 

Copyright © 2025 Safe Harbor Realty, All rights reserved.

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What our clients are saying  

Karen was fantastic. She did a great job staging, marketing, and photographing my house. It was so great I got a fantastic offer on my house. Highly recommend her. From Karen - Eddie received $45,000 over asking price for his home. He was thrilled!


~ Eddie Papa

Karen sold my mom's home in Dartmouth for me everything was up front and open she did all the foot work and paper work I had no time to do . She handled all of the details perfectly she called me at every turn to keep me in the loop she helped me make good decisions that needed to be made I was so satisfied with her professional and personal skills I recommended her to friends. Sousa Family Dartmouth Ma * update from Karen- I was able to help Sue sell her home in Dartmouth MA and move closer to her son and grandchildren.


~ Sousa Family

We have bought & sold quite a bit of properties over the last 35 years & have had the fortune of working with some very fine Real Estate agents. We had a property for sale that didn't sell last year and Karen contacted us, telling us she could sell our property. We lived out of state and hadn't done much work on it, other than repairs & maintenance. It was in need of extensive remodeling and the septic system needed to be replaced. Karen focused on the positives in her Marketing of the property and got quite amount of interest in the property. She was relentless & must have showed that property 2 dozen times until she found the perfect match for our property. It was by far the hardest sale of the year for her, but her determination paid off. Like we said in the beginning , we have worked with some very fine Real Estate agents over the years, but none as determined as Karen. If you want your property sold, Karen will sell it for you. We highly recommend her !!!! Gordon & Janice


~ Gordon & Janice

" Karen worked very hard for us, Selling our home in Freetown, then helping us find a new home in Westport, We want to thank her for everything she has done to make the transaction seem easy. We will be recommending her to our family & friends." -The Edwards Family, Westport, MA


~ Edwards Family

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