January Events Freebies and helpful Home Tips
May your home be Happy, Healthy & Peaceful this Year and always
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As winter settles in, there aren't as many Events so I have added more Tips and Ideas,
Click on the links for more info
7 Home maintenance tasks everyone forgets
Front door Colors that feel fresh now,~
My own door is Classic Black, it was Red and I miss it especially around Christmas.
How to use an Outdoor space in Winter~
I don't think this will be usable until Spring but we can dream.

What is the Best temperature to set your home's thermostat in winter?
Deciding on a comfortable temperature for your home depends largely on personal preferences. However, for smart energy usage, the Department of Energy, recommends setting the thermostat to around 68 F to 70 F during the winter while you're awake and setting it lower while you're asleep or away from home.
Order 4 Free At-Home COVID Tests
I got mine FREE in just 2 Days~
With Flu season on the horizon, you can order 4 free at-home COVID tests through the US Department of Health & Human Services. You can order 4 per household. Use the link below to order your free tests and stay healthy this winter.
Dartmouth Residents can pick covid tests up for Free at the Dartmouth Board of Health
The Importance of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms~ Especially in Winter.
Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are crucial for home safety as they provide early warning of potential dangers like fire and carbon monoxide leaks, allowing for timely evacuation and potentially saving lives, especially since carbon monoxide is odorless and can be deadly if not detected quickly; essentially, they are the most important way to prevent fatalities from fires and CO poisoning in a home. Fire Dept personnel suggest you Check your alarms monthly, Plus be sure any heating vents outside are not covered by snow or any obstructions.
Many local Fire Depts. offer Free Alarms and Installation to senior citizens.
Dartmouth Fire District 2 Residents ~ FREE ALARMS
Offers a smoke detector program for residents who are 65 or older, own their home, and have battery-only detectors that are more than 10 years old. The department will provide and install new smoke detectors Call 508-636-2441
This program connects seniors and disabled residents with resources to help them live safely and independently. The program includes home safety visits, free smoke and CO detector installation, and referrals to other agencies. To learn more or schedule an appointment, you can email wfdcares@gmail.com or call the Westport Fire Department at (508) 636-1110 extension 2118
WESTPORT RECREATION Winter Programs & Events
Check out these events and sign up at... www.westportrec.com
Parents Night Out
Saturdays, 1/18, 2/15, 3/15 Time: 6-9pm
Fee: $20 Resident / $25 Non-Resident - $15 Resident / $20 Non-Resident - 2nd Child *Fee is per date
Pizza & Bingo! (all ages) (Sat, 1/25, 5:30-7:30pm) sign up at... www.westportrec.com
It may be cold outside but we'll stay warm inside and enjoy some pizza and active games of BINGO! This is a great activity for any age and is a fun thing to do as a family or with friends. There will be a limit of two bingo cards per person but you can switch them out whenever you like between games. Winners will be able to pick from a variety of prizes, with some that appeal to kids and some to adults.
Who: Children/Teens/Adults(*Children must be accompanied by an adult.)
Place: Town Hall Annex Gym, 856 Main Rd., Westport, MA
Date: Saturday, 1/25 Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Fee: $5 per person (Price includes pizza and bingo. *Pre-Registration is required so we know how much pizza to order.)
If you know a veteran or active duty that may enjoy visiting the Farm Please pass this along to them.
First Friday of the month Next visit is this Friday Feb. 7, 10-12 Come spend time with the Horses and visit with the farm animals.
Silva Spirit Farm 1600 Eagleville Rd. Tiverton, RI Thank you Carol Ann Silva and your Team for giving to your community
FALL RIVER Cardinal Medeiros Towers Farmers’ Market Cardinal Medeiros Towers 1197 Robeson St. Fridays 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
NEW BEDFORD INDOOR WINTER FARMER'S MARKET Saturdays 10-2:00 1 Oneida St Buttonwood Park Warming House Nov.- May
Tiverton, RI Winter Farmers Market ~ Sundays Hours: 10am - 1:30pm inside Tiverton Middle School, 10 Quintal Drive, Tiverton, RI Visit our website at www.tivertonfarmersmarket.com for events, details and weekly Sunday Market vendor lineup.
Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke
* Wednesday Oriental Pearl 576 State Rd. Westport MA 7-10
*THURS. NIGHTS: Thirsty Thursday Karaoke Social Club 904 Main Rd, Westport 8 PM
*Sunday night Karaoke Oriental Pearl 7:00pm - 11:00 pm
Thrift Store at Westport Congregational Church Open Sat. 9-1
500 Am. Legion Hwy. Rte 177 Good Selection of Quality Clothing Weekly Special Sales
Westport Food Pantry Westport Grange 931 Main Rd.
www.westportfoodpantry.org or 774-930-8893 Drive thru- Pick up Location 931 Main Rd. Westport
WESTPORT FOOD PANTRY Distributing Food and Fresh Produce to those in Need-
Every Monday 8:30- 10;30 ( closed on Dec. 23)
Accepting Food Drop off Donations (volunteers onsite) every Tues/ Wed / Thurs. 9:00–11am
Produce Donation Drop Off: Mondays, 7:30 am -Thank you Local Farmers
PILATES Every Saturday Pilates at Westport Grange 931 Main Rd. 9 am with Tanya call text 508-735-6299 or email Tanya@pilateswpt.com
YOGA BY GRACE ( she's wonderful ) at Sisters of Solace 700 American Legion Hwy, Westport Gentle yoga, Tuesday evenings @6pm All levels/ all ages yoga, $15 cash or Venmo
· SILVER AEROBICS Every Tuesday and Friday 8- 9 AM with Kathryn Reed at Westport Grange Main Rd. Westport,
Westport Beaches: Cherry & Webb, East Beach & Knubble Beach Open Daily For more information How to get a parking pass https://www.westport-ma.com /beach-committee .
You upload a photo of your drivers license & registration Fee $50.
Over 65, $25. If you need help, They will help you at the Westport Library.
For More info about Westport, MA our Beautiful Beaches, Walking Trails & Restaurants visit https://www.safeharborrealty.net/p/25765/westport-ma-homes-beaches-restaurants
FREE to park Open dawn to dusk. Go to the end of Rte 88 take a right go over the Causeway * Swim * Fish * Boat Launch * Trails * Historic Monuments * Sweeping Water views * Birding MANY ARE MIGRATING * Wildlife *Beautiful Sunsets If you are lucky you may see the Seals, I have seen them many times
Get a LIFETIME Senior Parking Pass to Most MA State Parks Just $10. -What a Deal!!!
Senior Parking Passes now available online or mail. Massachusetts residents aged 62 or older are eligible for a discounted LIFETIME parking pass.for $10.. This pass covers the cost of parking at most state parks.
More info Here https://www.mass.gov/how-to/get-a-senior-parking-pass Pass covers
Westport, MA and Horseneck Beach State Reservation Horseneck Beach
Demarest Lloyd State Park in Dartmouth, MA and other State Parks
SEARCH ALL Homes and Land for Sale in MA & RI Here-
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Contact us for Real Estate Advice, We love to help.
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-This Email newsletter goes out to over 1,000 Local Residents & many Local Social Media sites, Blogs & Websites
-Call or text me @ 774-930-8181 or Email Karen@KarenMartinHomes.com If you have anything you would like me to add, A Yard Sale, Community Event etc.. We love to help our Community & Neighbors.
Karen Ann Martin Nicole Martin Wood~ Professional Realtor Consultants / Owners
Safe Harbor Realty 1037 Main Rd. Suite C Westport, MA 774-930-8181 (Near Perry's Bakery)
Copyright © 2025 Safe Harbor Realty, All rights reserved.