Things to Do in MA & RI Oct 20, - Nov. 2024
Happy Fall Y"ALL
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Thursday Oct. 31,
Now what to do with your Halloween Pumpkins
I like to keep pumpkins out until after Thanksgiving if they look good. Please think twice before dumping your Halloween pumpkins in the trash and, instead, recycle them!
Here are some recycling suggestions:
• Chop the pumpkin into smaller pieces (to speed up composting) before putting it in your compost bin to turn it into a nutrient-rich garden amendment. Or bury them in the ground 10 in. deep.
• Let the pumpkin decompose in a corner of your yard; you may be rewarded with another pumpkin vine next year!
• Place the pumpkin in a wooded area where squirrels and deer will feast on it.
*Raise pumpkins off the ground to protect smaller creatures like hedgehogs, who might accidentally consume too much and become unwell.
*Squirrels and birds will love pumpkins as a treat, but let's make sure we're keeping them safe.
*Place them in spots away from roads to avoid potential accidents.
*Dispose of any leftover pumpkins after a few days to prevent them from rotting or attracting pests.
Here’s why making the effort to recycle pumpkins is important: The cost of trash disposal is based on weight. Pumpkins are heavy! and take up to 20 years to decompose in a landfill.
Be Careful of the Deer in the Headlights - t's Mating season for Deer and they are a lot more active. According to AAA, the most crashes involving animals occur in October, Nov. and Dec It's also darker earlier in the evening once Daylight Saving Time ends during the first week in November.
Here's the Towns in MA with the Most Deer Strikes in 2023-
COMING IN NOV. . . . .

Sunday Nov. 3 Daylight Savings Time Clocks "FALL BACK" 1 HOUR
FARM TOUR GUIDED VISIT WITH EQUINE THERAPIST OPEN HOUSE - NO COST If you know a veteran or active duty that may enjoy visiting the Farm Please pass this along to them.
First Friday of the month Next visit is Nov. 1, 10-12 Come spend time with the Horses and visit with the farm animals. Silva Spirit Farm 1600 Eagleville Rd. Tiverton, RI Thank you Carol Ann Silva and your Team for giving to your community
Seaside Seascape Creations classes
Berkley Beer Company Taproom &Kitchen Tickets
MUST RESERVE YOUR SEAT ...WILL SELL OUT!! November 16th @ 1pm-3pm, $50.00
Come make a Seascape Window with us! No experience needed. All materials are included but you’re more than welcome to bring your own sea glass, shells or any other beach finds for a more personal creation. Design as you go or join us with an idea already in your mind. We will be there to guide you along the way! All supplies are provided. Reservations and tickets are required in advance. Please contact us through email or phone with any questions. 774-510-9232 or
Food and beverages May be purchased before, during & after the class At Berkley Beer Company Reserve early, will sell out! (minimum age is 12)

FARM STANDS are abundant on the SouthCoast. Support your Local Farmers
These farm stands in Westport, MA offer Fresh Local Fruit, veggies, herbs, Honey, Jams, Maple Syrup, yogurt, Flowers, Eggs, Beef, Pork, and Poultry in Season, Even Coffee Milk and Drinkable Yogurts.
I will add items as they come in season and have available-
Noquochoke Orchards on Drift Rd in Westport, Open Friday Saturday and Sunday 10:00-4:00.
They are out of apples but have pears , squash- acorn and butternut, and apple cider! We hope to have turnips soon.Also Sandi’s jams made with fresh fruit from farm with no preservatives- so please put in frigerator after opening!! Thankyou
Diamond Acres Farm 274 Horseneck Road, Westport, MA Has
SAMPSON farm stand 222 Old Bedford rd Westport corner Blossom Rd
Honor system Pumpkins & squash Gourds on special 4/$1 Open Hours Saturday 10-5 Sunday 10-5
Sweet corn and Potatoes
Orr's Farm Stand on Adamsville Rd has Native Corn, Veggies Honey Maple Syrup & Sunflowers, Pumpkins and Gourds
Open Gate Farm 295 Division Rd. Westport Fresh Eggs, Sunflowers, Bouquets
For a list of Farm Stands and their offerings visit
Karaoke Karaoke Karaoke
*Every Wednesday night Oriental Pearl 576 State Rd. Westport MA 7-10
*Sunday night Karaoke Oriental Pearl 7:00pm til 11:00pm
*THURS. NIGHTS: Thirsty Thursday Karaoke Social Club 904 Main Rd, Westport 8 PM
Thrift Store at Westport Congregational Church Open Saturdays 9 -1:00
500 Am. Legion Hwy. Rte 177 Good Selection of Quality Clothing Weekly Special Sales
Westport Food Pantry Westport Grange 931 Main Rd.
WESTPORT FOOD PANTRY Distributing Food and Fresh Produce to those in Need-
Every Monday 8:30- 10;30 ( SUMMER)
Accepting Food Drop off Donations (volunteers onsite) every Tues/ Wed / Thur 9:00–11am
Produce Donation Drop Off: Mondays, 7:30 am -Thank you Local Farmers or 774-930-8893
WESTPORT HAS Heart Drive thru- PIck up Location 931 Main Rd. Westport
PILATES Every Saturday Pilates at Westport Grange 931 Main Rd. 9 am with Tanya call text 508-735-6299 or email
YOGA BY GRACE ( she's wonderful ) at Sisters of Solace 700 American Legion Hwy, Westport Gentle yoga, Tuesday evenings @6pm All levels/ all ages yoga, $15 cash or Venmo
· SILVER AEROBICS Every Tuesday and Friday 8- 9 AM with Kathryn Reed at Westport Grange Main Rd. Westport,
Westport Beaches: Cherry & Webb, East Beach & Knubble Beach Open Daily For more information How to get a parking pass /beach-committee .
It’s easy- You upload a photo of your drivers license & registration Fee $50.
Over 65, $25. If you need help,They will help you at the Westport Library.
For More info about Westport, MA our Beautiful Beaches, Walking Trails & Restaurants visit
SEALS ON GOOSEBERRY ISLAND FREE to park Open dawn to dusk. Go to the end of Rte 88 take a right go over the Causeway * Swim * Fish * Boat Launch * Trails * Historic Monuments * Sweeping Waterviews * Birding MANY ARE MIGRATING TROUGH * Wildlife *Beautiful Sunsets If you are lucky you may see the Seals
Get a LIFETIME Senior Parking Pass to Most MA State Parks Just $10.
Senior Parking Passes now available online or mail. Massachusetts residents aged 62 or older are eligible for a discounted LIFETIME parking pass.for $10.. This pass covers the cost of parking at most state parks.
More info Here Pass covers
Horseneck Beach Horseneck Beach State Reservation, Westport, MA and
Demarest Lloyd State Park in Dartmouth, MA and other State Parks
SEARCH ALL Homes and Land for Sale in MA & RI Here-
Almost everyone I meet asks me,
Karen, How's the Real Estate Market? This about sums it up -
Seriously : Homes are Selling Yet taking longer to sell than a year ago. And vary by town & city.
Home Prices are Stable- Yet some Sellers are Reducing their prices to Move the property
Lower Priced Homes are selling under 30 days and Higher Priced homes are taking months.
If you are Looking for a Little Real Estate Advice, I'm happy to help!
Safe Harbor Realty offers many No Cost services to our Neighbors & Community
We are Grateful to the Westport and surrounding communitiy of MA & RI for your continued support and trust in us since 2003.
Contact us for Real Estate Advice, We love to help.
· Free Notary Services Just give us a call/ text or email 774-930-8181
· Free Home Valuations visit
· No Cost Home Buyer Consultations visit
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-This Email newsletter goes out to over 1,000 Local Residents & many Local Social Media sites, Blogs & Websites
-Call or text me @ 774-930-8181 or Email If you have anything you would like me to add, A Yard Sale, Event etc..
We love to help our Community & Neighbors.
* Braga Bridge Fall River, MA * Forge Pond Westport, MA
Karen Ann Martin Nicole Martin Wood~ Professional Realtor Consultants / Owners
Safe Harbor Realty 1037 Main Rd. Suite C Westport, MA 774-930-8181 (Near Perry's Bakery)
Copyright © 2024 Safe Harbor Realty, All rights reserved.